Models : WT, RPT
Features :
MECO AC Active Power (Watt) & Reactive Power (Var) Transducers measure Power in 1 Phase, 3 Phase 3 Wire and 3 Phase 4 Wire in balanced or unbalanced electrical systems and converts it to an industry standard output signal which is directly proportional to the measured input. These Transducers provide an output which is load independent and isolated from the input. These Transducers can measure both Import and Export of Power. The output can be connected to Controllers, Data-Loggers, PLC's Analog/Digital Indicators, Recorders for display, analysis or control. They are ideal for SCADA, Energy Management, Telemetering for Remote, Local as well as Central Monitoring System.
DIN Series
IEC 688 / EN 60688, EN 61010-1, EN 61326-1, IS12784 (Part-1) 1989
AC Input
- Voltage : 63.5 /110 /230 /440V (any one only)
- Current : 0-1 / 5A (any one only)
DC Output
- Current (mA) : 0-1, 0-5, 0-10, 2-10, 0-20, 4-20mA
- Voltage (V) : 0-1, 0-5, 1-5, 0-10, 2-10V
- Standard : ± 0.5% of Span
- SMPS - HV : 85 - 265V AC/DC
- SMPS - LV : 19 - 90V AC/DC
- 110/ 230V AC ± 20%
- 24/ 48/ 110/ 220V DC ± 20%
- Self powered Available. Refer PDF
Complete (Input / Output / Auxiliary / Case)
Dielectric Strength
- Strength 2.5kV at 50Hz for 1 min. (Standard)
- 4kV(Optional), across
- Casing - Input / Output / Auxiliary
- Input - Output
- Input - Auxiliary
- Output - Auxiliar