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  • SIC-A Redundancy Protocols Gateway (FANOX)

SIC-A Redundancy Protocols Gateway (FANOX)

Update Terakhir
21 / 10 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Perusahaan Ini Telah Berdiri Sejak Tahun 2010 dan Telah Ikut Berkiprah Dalam Kancah Kelistrikan di Indonesia. Kami Menyediakan Barang dan Jasa, Sebagai Sebuah Perusahaan Yang Bergerak di Bidang Supplier dan Contractor Electrical Kami Selalu Mengutamakan Kepuasan Costumer Jangan Ragu Untuk Menghubungi Kami

Detail SIC-A Redundancy Protocols Gateway (FANOX)

Fanox has an experience of more than 25 years in the design and manufacture of protection relays for low and medium voltage. Our products include the latest technological advances thanks to our engineering and design department.
The electricity demand increase obliges to the distribution substations to include the newest protection developments.

Just in this field is where Fanox is specialist and global benchmark thanks to our self-powered protection relays. These relays ensure the protection of the distribution substations without the necessity of external supply. Utilities around the world believe in our technology.

The use of information and communication technologies is globally increasing by the industry, as a base of a predictive maintenance and installations monitoring.
A traditional point of view about the energy sector was focused on a generation, transmission and distribution in a lineal way, where the communication was concentrated on the substation. The substations devices shared the information with the control center “in-situ” using serial protocols. With these protocols, the information was limited and it was insecure.
With the “Smart Grid” concept evolution, the energy generation is not restricted by specific generation centers. A huge radial infrastructure requires an advanced communication infrastructure. This concept includes not only the latest Ethernet protocols; also the redundant protocols become indispensable.
This technology implies an important technology leap for the industry, due to the transmission of a huge amount of data, in many cases in real time, is required.
To implement these new technologies the industry requires an easy and flexible system that is able to adapt to its all requirements.
The protocols gateways provide an easy way to adapt the existing devices to the new technologies.


Redundancy Protocols Gateway (PRP/HSR)

  • Communication Solutions for Smart Grid
  • Supported protocols: IEC 61850, IEC 60870-5-101/103/104, DNP3 serial/TCP, Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP, IEC 62056 – DLMS, IEC 61400, …
  • Multifunction:


SIC-A Working as a Redbox allows the connection of HSR networks with traditional ones. In case of PRP redundancy, SIC-A is not denominated Redbox, it would be a device that allows the integration into 2 independent networks through a 3rd Ethernet port.

Protocol Gateway

SIC-A device is able of communicating through serial communication RS-232 or RS-485 with multiple equipment with a Master serial protocol (Modbus, IEC69870-5-101, IEC60870-5-103, DLMS…) and dispose the information into a Ethernet protocol as IEC 61850 or IEC 60870-5-104. This way, devices with conventional protocols can be integrated in Ethernet networks with advanced protocols.

Redundant Protocol Gateway

It is the result of the combination of the functionality of a Gateway and the HSR redundancy. With this configuration, SIC-A allows the integration of equipment with serial communications in a HSR redundant network with an advanced protocol as IEC 61850 or IEC 60870-5-104

Most complete topology

2 SIC-A in their topology of Redbox allow connecting a HSR redundant network with another PRP network. This is a useful application that permits to coexist new networks with existing ones. In the same way, SIC-A in its topology of PRP Gateway, would allow to integrate serial equipment with conventional protocols in a PRP network with an advanced Ethernet protocol as IEC61850, IEC 60870-5-104, etc.

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